Privacy Policy
What information is stored?
- Your public Discord user ID (e.g. 123123123123123123).
- Your public Discord username (e.g. myusername).
- The date and time of your sign-in.
- Information you enter when using the website.
Why is this information stored?
- To safeguard raids from spam and troll sign-ups.
- To save your character name, class, and specialization, eliminating the need to re-enter details on subsequent visits.
- To provide you with an overview of the raids you've created or are participating in.
How long is the information kept?
Your information is retained by the site for 12 months from your last sign-in.
How can I remove my information?
To delete your information, simply send a message using the Feedback button, and your data will be removed within 7 days.
- The site uses no 3rd party cookies.
- The site uses cookies to keep you signed in.
- The cookies are removed when you sign out, or if you do not use the website for a week.
Raidres is a personal project and is not affiliated with Turtle WoW
Made by
@ Nordanaar